Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel
Ontario is responding to the invasion of Ukraine by ensuring individuals and families seeking safety in Ontario from the conflict have the services and supports they need to integrate and succeed in our province.
If you have arrived or are remaining in Ontario under the Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel (CUAET), you can apply for temporary financial support through emergency assistance.
If you are eligible, emergency assistance will give quick support to you and your family.
Support available
You may receive approximately $733 a month if you are a single person and need help paying for food and shelter. You may receive more if you have children.
You and your family may receive financial support for up to six months if you do not have enough money or assets to meet your basic needs.
Prescription drug benefits
If you are eligible for emergency assistance, you will be issued a drug card to pay for part of your prescription drug costs.
See https://www.ontario.ca/page/apply-emergency-assistance#section-2 for more information.